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Business object (BO)


Accessing Business Object Attribute Data

** Method Name:** BO.<itemId>

Parameters: itemId (the ID of the item whose Business Object Attribute data is being accessed).

Description: Accesses the Business Object Attribute data for an individual item on the form. This is primarily used for interacting with form items, such as setting values or getting item-specific information.



Setting Form Validity

** Method Name:** BO.setValid(valid, msg)


  • valid (Boolean): The validity state to set for the form.
  • msg (String): The message to display if the validity state is overridden to false.

Description: Overrides the validity of the form based on the provided valid parameter. Setting valid to false prevents form submission and displays the provided message. Setting valid to true removes any previous validity overrides but does not affect other validity constraints.


if (BOA.getValue() < 15 || BOA.getValue() > 35) {
    BOA.setValid(false, "The age must be between 16 and 35");

Getting the Form's Validity State

** Method Name:** BO.getValid()

Parameters: None.

Description: Returns the current overridden valid state of the form as set by BO.setValid().

Checking Form Validity

** Method Name:** BO.isValid()

Parameters: None.

Description: Checks the overall validity of the form. Returns true if every field is valid, and false otherwise. This function differs from BO.getValid() which returns the form's overridden valid state.

Retrieving Invalid Field Messages

** Method Name:** BO.getInvalidMessages()

Parameters: None.

Description: Returns an array of error messages from any invalid fields in the form. If all fields are valid, it returns an empty array.

Getting the Current Form Stage

** Method Name:** BO.getCurrentStage()

Parameters: None.

Description: Retrieves the current stage of the form. Useful for conditional logic based on form progress.


if (BO.getCurrentStage() === 'ST_Submitted') {
    alert('Reminder: This form is complete and cannot be modified');

Getting the Data ID

** Method Name:** BO.getDataId()

Parameters: None.

Description: Returns the unique ID that represents this data item. If the item has never been submitted, it returns the ID it will have upon submission.

Accessing Child Business Object Attributes

** Method Name:** BO.getChildren()

Parameters: None.

Description: Provides access to all individual Business Object Attribute data for child items. Includes functions for getting the length of the list and accessing specific items by index.