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Security Restrictions

The library creates a safe area in JavaScript where code can run without causing harm. Here's an explanation of its rules:

  • Restricted Operations: Certain JavaScript operations are not allowed to keep the sandbox secure:

    • eval, with, ==, !=, and [] cannot be used. Instead, use === for ==, !== for **!= **, and methods like forEach(), get(index), and set() instead of [].
  • Using 'this' Keyword: The use of this is banned. Depending on where the code is running, different keywords are used:

    • For actions related to a single item, item or apItem is used.
    • For actions on a whole page or app page, page or appPage is used.
    • For actions within a form, form is used.
  • Limited Access to Global Variables: See below for the list of global variables that can be accessed.

  • Banned Properties and Methods: You can't use certain properties and methods, including but not limited to **apply **, arguments, call, callee, caller, constructor, eval, prototype, this, unwatch, valueOf, watch, and any property that starts or ends with __.

Disabling Javascript Security

Under some circumstances, the limitations imposed by the library might be too restrictive. Therefore, the library can be disabled server-wide by modifying the configuration in VoltConfig.nsf. Use the Notes client to set the value of the secureJS setting to false. Also, be sure to enable the setting. Once the configuration is changed, the HCL Domino Leap server should be restarted to ensure that the configuration takes effect.


Changing this configuration setting should only be done if all the Domino Leap users on the server are known trusted users. Disabling JavaScript Security on a deployment of the Domino Leap that allows anonymous users to create applications could pose a serious security risk.


This configuration only applies to applications that are deployed after making this configuration change. Applications that are deployed before this configuration change must be redeployed for the configuration to take effect.